Abisko, 17-24 June 2010

17-24 June 2010

The Swedish Sub-Arctic and the Sub-Antarctic French territories provide important opportunities for comparisons and further scientific investigations.

In this regard, the 2010 summer school stands as a joint initiative of the French Polar Institute (IPEV) and the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, the support of CNRS (the French National Center for Scientific Research) and the French Embassy in Sweden.

The summer school will offer the opportunity for scientists, young researchers and students to share their views and experiences on the climate change and impacts on sub-polar ecosystems, laying down the basis for future joint research.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Tuesday, June 22nd

Reiner Giesler is a professor at the University of Umeå in the Ecology and Environmental sciences department.  He is the founder and the director of the CIRC (Climate Impact Research Centre) which is partly located at Abisko research station. This morning he held a lecture at the summer school about effects of climate change on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In the afternoon he led the excursion to Mont Njulla. Before the excursion, Marc Lebouvier from the CNRS in France spoke about the impact of invasive species and climate change on sub-antarctic terrestrial ecosystems.
This evening we had the last group presentations. Group 4 is composed by Maria Ingimarsdóttir, Elefhteria Palkopoulou and Artabaze Shams.

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