Abisko, 17-24 June 2010

17-24 June 2010

The Swedish Sub-Arctic and the Sub-Antarctic French territories provide important opportunities for comparisons and further scientific investigations.

In this regard, the 2010 summer school stands as a joint initiative of the French Polar Institute (IPEV) and the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, the support of CNRS (the French National Center for Scientific Research) and the French Embassy in Sweden.

The summer school will offer the opportunity for scientists, young researchers and students to share their views and experiences on the climate change and impacts on sub-polar ecosystems, laying down the basis for future joint research.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Thursday, June 17th

Everyone has now managed to get to the Abisko Research Station where we will live for a week.
The French people arrived on the 16th to Luleå and took the morning train to meet the Swedish participants in Kiruna.

While in Kiruna we visited the IRF (The Swedish Institute of Space Physics) where Rick McGregor (information officer) gave us a presentation about the IRF’s research and observatory activities in general. After him,  Peter Dalin introduced us to the Antarctic observation at the Swedish research station (Wasa and Svea) and the MARA  project (Moveable Atmospheric Radar for Antarctica) which studies waves and aerosol particles in the mesosphere. During the campus tour, we had the opportunity to see the optical instruments used to study polar stratospheric clouds on the roof of the institute.

After dinner we had a short presentation of the IPEV (The French Polar Institute) by Christine David, Deputy Director, and of the SPRS (The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat) by Sofia Rickberg. Both of them insisted on this week to be the start for more important French-Swedish collaboration.

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