Abisko, 17-24 June 2010

17-24 June 2010

The Swedish Sub-Arctic and the Sub-Antarctic French territories provide important opportunities for comparisons and further scientific investigations.

In this regard, the 2010 summer school stands as a joint initiative of the French Polar Institute (IPEV) and the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, the support of CNRS (the French National Center for Scientific Research) and the French Embassy in Sweden.

The summer school will offer the opportunity for scientists, young researchers and students to share their views and experiences on the climate change and impacts on sub-polar ecosystems, laying down the basis for future joint research.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Monday, June 21st

This day Sami knowledge and climate change in the Arctic were the main thematics. Marie Roué from the CNRS and the Museum of Natural History in France started by telling us about the traditional Sami life and what their problems could be if their conditions change. Marie Roué is an Anthropologist who has much experience of sub-arctic research.

After this, we had a guided tour of Abisko by Naturum staff.

Geir Rune Rauset, Florence Revelin and Hélène Subrémon, group 3, presented themselves  and their research projects. The day summary was followed by a discussion about the researchers striving for objectivity and the relationship between human and nature.

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